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Fight4IT is an exclusive platform to provide the residents and guests of Marina Del Ray with the best of a SUPREME Lifestyle, as a member you have access to the best coaches in various disciplines including MMA, YOGA, BOXING, CROSS-FIT, PADDLE BOARDING, SURFING, CROSS COUNTRY, BEACH TRAINING and SURVIVAL TRAINING. With the help of our AFFILIATE PARTNERS we are able to offer many additional services to the Global Community.

Besides health and fitness members receive access to additional SUPREME Lifestyle elements like, nutrition which is critical to achieving health goals, social elements where members can compare and compete on results, weekly challenges will be set where members are able to select the challenges that appeal to them, also providing social events to meet and interact with the Fight4IT community.

The last and one of the most exciting element is our Affiliate Partners, in our busy lifestyles it is difficult to find the right people or services to save you time and money, these services can be from dog walking, cleaning services and everything in between within the Fight4IT community. As well as receiving white glove, same day delivery on their shopping demands with our Affiliates. This is also provided at a discounted Affiliate rate.


There are 2 elements to the business, the first is providing members access to only the best coaches, nutrition experts, online shopping platforms and locations. The second is providing coaches and service providers with a hyper local community of customers building strong relationships with your market.

We have already secured the best in the industry when it comes to the SUPREME Lifestyle so as a potential member you would follow the following 4 easy steps: Integrating nature technology and lifestyle, we have the SUPREME recipe to ultimate fitness, technology is our gateway to not only reward progress, but to give you the feedback you have never had before, privately and securely. With this combination we will also introduce the reward structure which will be revealed later.

Step 1
The need to improve Health, Lifestyle, Family, Community and Social interaction both physical and Virtual.

Step 2
Fill out the contact form on our Pre-Launch site to book your one on one Lifestyle Assessment with coachSUPREME. From this point we establish your goals and additional requirements and guide you with the best solution.

Step 3
On approval you may now Join the SUPREME lifestyle, your starting kit includes your mobile fitness tracker, branded apparel (t-shirt, water bottle, etc..). Giving you access to the members only portal of our website and access to the mobile App.

Step 4
Purchase your Tokens and start your SUPREME Lifestyle.

Why Become an Affiliate?

The fight4IT Supreme Lifestyle offers a unique opportunity to all businesses exclusively within the Marina Del Ray community, giving you access to our members in terms of marketing your business or service. In exchange our members will have access to the best of Marina Del Ray, at a discounted rate which creates loyalty and support for local business within our community. We have developed the technology to provide customers with services and products when and where they want it, helping your business keep up with the increasing demand for technical and online solutions.